Crossing the Blues

Simon Cowell Says American Idol Will Remain The Same

Will Paula Goodspeed's suicide have a dramatic effect on the way American Idol moves forward with their upcoming season? Not at all say judge Simon Cowell.

"I have thought long and hard about this…I think we will continue in the way we have always done. We have tried to have a sense of humor. The show is not an inherently mean show.

"It is an American dream show where the whole purpose is to find somebody who through the process becomes a star. It is helpful showing people the process that, if you’re not very good, don’t spend years trying to do something you’re not very good at doing."

Simon only wishes that he knew about Paula's condition. He says the producers would have tried to help her - not exploit her.

"My regret is that we didn’t know how troubled this person was. If I could have gone back in time and known what she was going through, we could have then tried to help her, but we genuinely didn’t know."

What do you think? Should American Idol change Simon's blunt approach to shooting down dreams? Or is his realistic voice exactly what some contestants need to hear?
