Crossing the Blues

Deluded Lindsay talks about career nosedive

There are plenty of actors and actresses in the world, but they aren't all – how can we put this delicately? – of quite the same calibre, are they? For instance, there's a world of difference between the talents of say Sir Anthony Hopkins and Paul Danan, isn't there? Well, one actress who thinks she should be included in a higher calibre category is Lindsay Lohan. The actress, who's starred in such Oscar-worthy *coughnotcough* flicks such as Herbie: Fully Loaded and Just My Luck, has had a right old moan about her career nosedive, telling Interview magazine, "I work just as hard as any other actress around my age, like Scarlett Johansson, but I just don't get the opportunities that they get." The formerly troubled star, whose partying antics at one time were legendary, went on to say, "People are so distracted by the mess that I created in my life. Even other actors – I mean, great actors who I want to work with – have such a misconception of who I am because of all the things that get said about me." We can see how it must be frustrating to fall from the dizzy heights of post-Mean Girls success, but there's no smoke without fire and all that, Linds. Plenty of other, formerly disregarded stars have made impressive comebacks. Just look at Britney. And Drew Barrymore! Maybe Lindsay just needs to hold out for a few more months. What do you think? Do you think if she hadn't partied so hard she'd be clutching an Oscar by now, or is Lindsay being too generous about her abilities?
