Crossing the Blues

Jennie Garth is All Grown Up

Jennie Garth is loving life. At 36, she’s a proud mom to three beautiful girls (Luca Bella, 11, Lola Ray, 6, and Fiona Eve, 2) and has been happily married to Twilight star Peter Facinelli since 2001. After reprising her role last fall on 90210 as Kelly Taylor (in addition to last year’s attention-grabbing turn on Dancing With the Stars), Jennie has elevated her fame to a whole new level.

“I like being the adult on the 90210 set,” she admits. “It gives me a different perspective.” But for this down-to-earth star, family is what matters most.

OK!: After returning to 90210, do you ever think about what you might say to the young Jennie Garth?

I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done so far — including my mistakes, because they’ve gotten me to where I am now. I want my girls to make mistakes, too.

OK!: Can you give us an example?

Just the other day, my husband was out of restaurant. They were being animals, talking really loud, laughing and singing, and I didn’t even think about how it was affecting the people around us. I was completely zoning out. Suddenly an older woman from across the restaurant yelled at the kids and then said to me, “Excuse me, can you please control your kids? They’re ruining my meal!” My first instinct was to say, “Don’t talk to my kids that way.” But I didn’t, and I let her rant. After the meal, I made them go over to the table and say they were sorry.

OK!: What were you trying to teach them?

To respect their elders, which I think is one of the big things that’s wrong with youth today. At bedtime I asked, “What did you guys learn from what happened?” My 6-year-old said, “You have to be kind in a restaurant. There are other people there, too.”

OK!: Did you tell your husband?

Yes, and he said, “I would have told her, ‘Hey, old lady, get out of here and take your teeth with you!’ ” He was kidding around. He asked why I didn't defend them. I said, "It’s because they need to learn how to act."

OK!: With three kids, it must be hard.

It’s a zoo! A complete cuckoo house.

OK!: Still, do you ever think about having more children?

Yeah. The sooner the better, because I’m not getting any younger.

OK!: Is that your New Year’s resolution?

Talk to my husband and my mom. They’ll tell you hell no, but I say yes —more babies!

OK!: Speaking of your husband, you must have been so happy for him to land that role in Twilight.

Everybody I know has seen it more than once and enjoyed it more the second time.
My 11-year-old has seen it four times. She went to the screening, she went to the
premiere, she went to see it with friends and she went to see it with her grandma.

OK!: You’re also a spokesperson for Trident gum to raise awareness for better oral health care. Why did you decide to take this on as a cause?

When you’re on TV, people listen more to what you say — and I didn’t realize what a huge epidemic tooth decay is. I make my own kids brush and floss every morning. It takes me standing there like a crazy-mom drill sergeant to make it happen, but they’re learning how to take care of themselves.

OK!: And how are their teeth?

The middle one’s teeth are growing in behind her other teeth — she looks like a shark!

OK!: Does the tooth fairy come to your house?

Oh, yes. My kids put their teeth under their pillows and the next day there’s money. They also collect their teeth after the tooth fairy visits, which is weird. My oldest one has a little jar for them. She takes them out, looks at them and then puts them back on the shelf. What the heck is she going to do with them? I don’t know.
