Crossing the Blues

We can’t BELIEVE someone said this to Brad…

Sometimes, when you have a few drinks, you can end up saying rather embarrassing things to complete strangers… but luckily, those strangers tend not to be ludicrously famous Hollywood hotties (we’re clearly going to the wrong parties). However, at a Golden Globes after-party on Sunday night, a cheeky drunkard managed to insult Brad Pitt – and we doubt her words are something he’s used to hearing. “Brad was enjoying a cocktail and chatting with friends at party when this woman, who was clearly drunk, approached him,” says an onlooker at the HBO bash. “She went on and on about how the aging make-up in The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button made him look ‘ugly as a dog’. Brad listened politely and explained that the make-up was essential to telling the story properly. The woman finally piped down for a moment, then looked closely at Brad’s face. She then said, ‘And you should definitely shave that goatee because it looks just horrible’, before marching off. Brad’s buddies cracked up laughing.” Oh dear god, how mortified must that woman have been when she woke up the next day and remembered (or not) what she’d done? Still, you’ve got to give her credit for sheer bold brazenness, haven’t you?
