Crossing the Blues

'List Woman' Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet is "List Woman".

The 33-year-old actress - who raises two children, eight-year-old Mia and five-year-old Joe, with husband Sam Mendes - can't organise her hectic life without writing things down.

She said: "My life is incredible but I have to work at it. It's the same for any working woman. You run and you work, you run and you work, and you try not to let anything drop. I am 'List Woman' - I make lists constantly.

"What we're doing, where we are, what needs to be done, shopping, school, work, everything."

Despite her regimented to do lists, Kate never finds time to rest because she prefers to be busy.

She added to Britain's Elle magazine: "For the most part, I'm completely exhausted. Sam is always telling me to relax, have a massage or something, but I'm not very good at relaxing.

"The other day I had a morning with nothing to do for the first time in months. So I cleared our Joe's wardrobe."
