Crossing the Blues

Pamela Anderson Uses Playboy Pay for Charity

 Pamela Anderson has stripped down for Playboy magazine for a good cause - the actress has donated her $25,000 (GBP16,670) modeling fee to charity. The former Playmate and "Baywatch" star posed nude for the January, 2011 issue, and had the check sent directly to Waves 4 Water, a charity that distributes filters to people who don't have access to clean drinking water.

The actress tells "Waves 4 water are my heroes. They get things done... and yes, Playboy wrote them a check when I shot the cover directly for 25Gs. I've also donated personally. I wish I could do more. Indonesia, Haiti and Pakistan are all in need of these filters. Spread the word!"

Pamela Anderson's not-yet-unveiled photo for Playboy will see the actress channeling Anita Ekberg's character in 1960 movie "La Dolce Vita". "Pamela Anderson is in the Mansion swimming pool, posing for the January cover in a tribute to 'La Dolce Vita'," the magazine founder Hugh Hefner revealed.